Public Opinion Research

Transportation provides essential access in our region – to medical care, employment, education, community services, and more. That’s why MetroPlan Orlando uses public opinion research to understand the needs of those who travel in Orange, Osceola, and Seminole counties.


Our most recent public opinion survey re-visits several topics covered in previous research and adds some new questions to reflect the changes in the regional transportation picture.

A scene with various types of transportation shows people walking, biking, taking buses and trains, and driverless shuttles. MetroPlan Orlando's 2024 Regional Transportation Survey Report was prepared by Summit Survey Research.Top four findings from MetroPlan Orlando’s 2024 Regional Transportation Survey of 3,134 Central Floridians include:

  • Speeding Drivers Take More Risks on the Roads – Most respondents admit that speed and safety are linked, but almost half (48%) report regularly driving 10 mph over the speed limit or faster. When it comes to distracted driving, 14% of respondents feel it is OK to text and drive. Speeding drivers are more likely to say it’s OK to text and drive.
  • Lack of Reliable Transportation Negatively Impacts Health – One in four (25%) respondents skipped or missed a doctor’s appointment in the past year because they did not have reliable transportation – a seven-point increase from 2021. Transit riders have missed doctor’s appointments three times more often than non-riders.
  • Public Interest in Driverless Cars & Concerns on Safety – Interest in new technology continues to increase, with half of respondents saying they would like to experience a driverless car ride. But safety concerns with new technology are growing as well (82% in 2024 compared to 77% in 2021). People worry the technology is not ready and wonder how driverless cars will interact with other cars on the road.
  • Support for Public Transportation & Desire for More – Transit remains a popular way to move. Over half of respondents use public transportation. This includes recent additions to the market, with 31% having ridden Brightline intercity rail, and 20% using driverless shuttles. Residents say they would use transit even more if there were more destinations and improved connectivity.

Read the full report:

2024 Regional Transportation Survey Report

Other topics in the survey report include:

  • Transportation Use & Challenges – How respondents get around and the difficulties they experience using various types of transportation, including driving, walking, bicycling, LYNX bus, SunRail, ACCESS LYNX, rideshare, wheelchairs, and scooters.
  • Transportation Funding – Whether respondents think improving transportation would mean increasing taxes and fees, and their opinions on mileage-based user fees.
  • Transportation for All – Respondents describe an equitable transportation system in their own words.

Responses were gathered during April and May 2024 from residents of Orange, Osceola, and Seminole counties, using a mix of in-person and online surveying methods. See page 23 of the report for more information about the survey methodology.


If you have questions about our 2024 transportation survey results, please contact Cynthia Lambert, MetroPlan Orlando public information manager, at Our research was conducted in association with Summit Survey Research.


Visit our archive to view public opinion research reports from previous years.

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